Kate Rivet

Archive for October 2016

Hello everyone!

This isn’t a REAL update — I’m busy with book #3 in my Royals series and pushing to finish the first draft before NaNoWriMo starts! — but I had a few things to let you all know about!

1) Living for Adventure, my 2nd book, will be FREE on Amazon from November 1st through November 5th as a little inspiration for those wanting to NaNoWriMo as to what a little over 50,000 words is like!  It’s pretty short and the usual price is 99¢, so save your dollar and grab it when it’s free!  Let your friends know, too — it’s available (or you can search my name on Amazon!)

2) Roads to Love, my 1st book (and my 2014 NaNoWriMo novel!), is going on sale in honor of my birthday!  Starting on November 24th, it’ll be available for 99¢, and on the 27th, it goes up to $1.99 — December 1st it goes back up to the full $2.99, so again — grab your copy or search me on Amazon 🙂

3) I finally set up an Instagram account, something I never really bothered to do because I was under the impression that it was a pain in the butt to toggle accounts — not true!  My sidebar on the site here has both a slider showing a few recent pictures, and there’s also links and buttons for social media along the sidebar as well.  Follow me and keep an eye out — I’m leaving for two weeks abroad on November 17th and I promise I’ll be sharing some fun pictures!

That’s all I’ve got for today, I’m heading back to the keyboard to get this Royal story to its’ finish!

Until next time,