Kate Rivet

Archive for June 2015

Hello everyone!

I hope you’re all enjoying your summers so far!  My vacations are still not here yet, but they’re fast approaching!  First I’m heading to Canada to visit my best friend and attend her wedding, then I’m off to Reykjavík, Iceland — which also features in the novella I’m still working at, now more than ever!

Remember how I was documenting my goal of reading at least 100 books, with at least 50 being new reads?  I’m happy to announce that, as of yesterday, both goals are 100% achieved!  Not only did I read 100 books so far this year, but *85* of them were new reads, instead of just 50!  I’ve read a lot of great books so far, and plan to read a lot more!  Unfortunately, I can’t seem to do a lot of good writing and editing while reading, so I’m putting that on the back burner while I really push to get this novella finished and published before taking off towards Canada!

Are any of my readers out there going on any great trips this summer, or have you been on one already?  I’d love to hear about it!  My perpeptual case of wanderlust is really in overdrive right now, and I really wish that I could take off and explore the world like the heroine in my novella!  Besides my two trips this summer, I wish I could go visit Australia and New Zealand over the winter, but it looks like I may at least get a short vacation in around my birthday — I’m not sure where yet, but chances are good that it’s going to be a city I’ve never visited before, so fingers crossed!

Anyway, I’m going to end this here and get back to the good stuff so you can all take Alex’s journey alongside of her sooner rather than later!

Until next time,

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June 2015



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